Riverbank Arts
400 N Saginaw Street

Riverbank Arts is a community-centered space for creatives, community members, and academics to develop and find support for artistic and cultural production in Flint.

We welcome all creators and supporters of art and culture to connect and collaborate.  

Riverbank Arts is an initiative of the Arts+Culture Research Cluster at The University of Michigan Flint, and is supported by the Office of Research and Economic Development, the Arts Initiative, and the Community Foundation of Greater Flint.

Riverbank Arts is a community-centered space for creatives, community members, and academics to develop and find support for artistic and cultural production in Flint.

We welcome all creators and supporters of art and culture to connect and collaborate.

Riverbank Arts is an initiative of the Arts+Culture Research Cluster at The University of Michigan Flint, and is supported by the Office of Research and Economic Development.
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